SEI NICHT DU SELBST Adrian Gillott, Thomas Frank, Julian Meding (c) Lupi Spuma_071

Don’t be yourself

  • Theatre
  • Schauspielhaus Graz
  • 2013
“Since we have seen that even the most authentic real-people-theatre works with the art of pretence, ‘Be yourself’ is a thing of the past. ‘Don't be yourself’ is the logical title of a project by Basel theatre-maker Boris Nikitin in which five actors lay out their lives in front of the audience. They do this quite simply. They line up chairs, sit down and talk in turns according to the rules of allusion and anecdote. They insistently repeat their real names, touch on their origins, their childhood, their talents, fears and hopes. The motifs gradually intertwine, very carefully, very cleverly, and if the narrators were spiders, they would soon have their audience wrapped up. (...) The astonishing thing about this narrative strategy is that every biographical layer of revelation could just as well serve to conceal. (...) At the end, the ensemble swaps clothes. A clear hint: we don't know these people.”
Theater heute
“Slowly, and only gradually become noticeable, set pieces from the stories are repeated, they are arranged differently, slightly altered, supposed facts get mixed up. Some memoirs are heard three, even four times, from different mouths. The endless performative tension between repetition and difference has rarely been perceived with such precision. By the end, the actors will have swapped clothes and taken on the roles of the others. It looks grotesque when the beefy Thomas ‘Ich habe 115 Kilo’ Frank becomes the petite Katharina Klar (and vice versa), and is probably just as ‘real’ as the (too) sweet smell of ready meals from the Spartan stage kitchen that is already wafting through the room.Translated with (free version)”


    • 25 May 2014
      • Schweizer Theatertreffen
    • 15 March 2014
      • Ringlokschuppen
    • 12 – 15 December 2013
      • Kaserne Basel
    • 4 December 2013
      • Schauspielhaus Graz
    • 24 + 25 November 2013
      • Schauspielhaus Graz
    • 29 October 2013
      • Schauspielhaus Graz
    • 24 October 2013
      • Schauspielhaus Graz
    • 6 October 2013
      • Steirischer Herbst/Schauspielhaus Graz
      • Premiere

"When they observe you, the only thing you must do is to act."

Concept, director
Boris Nikitin
Concept, sound
Matthias Meppelink
Thomas Frank, Adrian Gillott, Katharina Klar, Lorenz Kabas, Julian Meding
Set design
Boris Nikitin, Katharina Tranjceski
Kira Kirsch, Flori Gugger
Assistant director
Kathrin Rosenberger

A production by
Boris Nikitin

Co-comissioned by
Steirischen Herbst '13, Schauspielhaus Graz, Kaserne Basel and Ringlokschuppen Mülheim a. d. Ruhr.

Sei Nicht Du Selbst